New sales partner

Due to circumstances outside of both our influences we have stop selling our artwork through our partner We have loved working with them over the years and our reason to end the collaboration has nothing to do with their service or products.

Effective 01-01-2025 sales have stopped and we will be looking for a new sales partner, prefferably one in the Netherlands. Over the coming weeks we will be removing the sales links to their website, they should no longer be active.

Walkarounds added

I have added two new walkarounds, one of a RAF Harrier and one of a RNLAF Apache. Both are not complete walkarounds but I hope they can still be usefull to some one.

RNLAF AH-64D Walkaround

RAF Harrier Gr.7 ZD465 Walkaround

Click image to view walkaround page

RAF Harrier Gr.7 ZD465 Walkaround

RAF Harrier Gr.7 ZD465 Walkaround

Click image to view walkaround page

Italian and German update

I am back from vacation with a new update of the profile section;

First is a Luftwaffe special, 2036 painted in a special paintscheme for the retirement of the F-104 from JBG-32.

F-104G 683-2043

Followed by three Italian Airforce specials

F-104S ASA-M M.M.6716
F-104G MM6579

Click for larger image and more information

F-104S M.M.6869
F-104G MM6579

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If you built scale models in the 90’s you very likely built a Revell 1/32 version of this one! The quite well known cat and mouse paintscheme was to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the 51st Stormo.

F-104S ASA-M M.M.6930
F-104G MM6579

Click for larger image and more information

This machine was painted in the Bugatti colours for the occasion of a race against a motorcycle of the firm, the end result was a 1 – 1 draw!


The Italian Airforce F-104 section has been expanded with a single seat and a couple of two seaters, check them out via the links below!

F-104G M.M.6579
F-104G MM6579

Click for larger image and more information

TF-104G M.M.54253
F-104G MM6505

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TF-104G M.M.54553
F-104G MM6505

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International mixed 104’s

For today we have a international group of F-104’s including two new operators to my collection! The first new operator is the Belgian Airforce with a very colorful Tiger Meet participant.

F-104G FX52
CF-104 104838 1st Canadian Air Group

Click for larger image and more information

Next is 4900 from the Norwegian airforce, a Canadair built CF-104. 4900 was the last CF-104 of the line and served with the Canadian Airforce before being sold to the Norwegian Airforce where it served untill it met its fate on the 18th of january 1983 when the pilot lost control at low altitude and was forced to eject. The pilot survived the ejection but 900 impacted the sea and was lost.

CF-104 4900
RNoAF F-104G 12625

Click for larger image and more information

And the other new user is the United States Airforce. It took me some time to decide under which operator to put this machine as it was actually owned by the West-German Luftwaffe who used to train their pilots at Luke Airforce base. The aircraft used for this training wore United States Airforce paintscheme’s. The nickname for the unit was the “Cactus Airforce Staffel”

F-104G 6313269
F-104G 6313269

Click for larger image and more information

NASA Starfighters added

New additions to the profile section for today are a trio of NASA Starfighters;

F-104N N812NA NASA
F-104N N812NA NASA

Click for larger image and more information

F-104N N813NA NASA
F-104N N813NA NASA

Click for larger image and more information


Click for larger image and more information

I hope to be adding more NASA machines as I complete them so I can show each major variant the agency operated!

German 104 Specials

I have added some new Luftwaffe and Marineflieger F-104’s to the profiles section including some very colourfull examples. You can click the images below to go directly to each aircrafts page or browse the profiles section via the normal page navigation.

TF-104G 583F-5961

F-104G 683D-7036

F-104G 683D-7409

F-104G 683D-7418

Canadian Starfighters Added

I have added a few Canadian Armed Forces CF-104’s to the profile section. Canada was on of the liberating powers in world war 2 and as such was given the responsibility for a sector of western Germany after the war. The Canadian Air Group operated from Baden Sollingen in central Germany and flew the CF-104. Later on they would reequip with the CF-18 Hornet. Here some examples of CF-104’s in the overall green colourscheme, I am planning to do the unpainted and the later tri-tone schemes too along with some of the many special colourschemes these machines carried in the future.

click the image to see high resolution image and information about the aircraft

click the image to see high resolution image and information about the aircraft

click the image to see high resolution image and information about the aircraft